The Today Show: A Thank You from AKFSA

Enjoying a slower morning than usual, I was able to catch the Today Show’s special report on anxiety in teens. The feature focused on a group of teens at a treatment center. These brave individuals came from behind the curtain to talk openly about their pain. The message of the piece rang very clear; anxiety continues to be a secret suffering. So often, it is hidden behind the avoidance that is at the heart of the illness.

The Andrew Kukes Foundation for Social Anxiety is dedicated to revealing the secret so that many more people can find the help that is available. We encourage parents, teens, family members and the community at large to become educated on the symptoms, causes and treatments available for anxiety sufferers.

Social Anxiety affects one in every eight people in this country. The earlier it is identified, the more effective the impact of treatment. Untreated anxiety is often masked by accompanying issues, such as alcohol and substance abuse. Learn more and take a look at our vast video library, available at

Thank you to the Today Show and Maria Shriver for again bringing light to this little-known but eminently treatable condition.

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